
public protocol PromisesExtended

A protocol that can be used to add support for futures to a type of your choice.

When you want an API that supports futures, i types that already have methods with callbacks, the signatures of the method providing the Future<Value> and the original function can conflict, especially when working with methods where a completion callback is optional. To get around this, when this protocol is conformed to by a type, it will expose one instance property, promise, and one static property also named promise. These properties both return a Promises<Source> which you can extend to provide support for futures to any type. The returned Promises<Source> provides the property source for access to the instance it should be acting on.

As an example, here’s how we implement support for presenting view controllers:

extension UIViewController: PromisesExtended {}

extension Promises where Source: UIViewController {
    func present(_ viewControllerToPresent: UIViewController, animated: Bool) -> Future<Void> {

        let promise = Promise<Void>()
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.source.present(viewControllerToPresent, animated: animated) {

        return promise.future

Using this implementation is now possible.

    animated: true
).flatMap {